
Calpine Selected to Advance Major Carbon Capture Project at Baytown Facility

Published Jan 02, 2024 by Hailea Schultz



通过费用分摊协议, Calpine将获得高达2.7亿美元的资金,用于使用壳牌的CANSOLV溶剂每年捕获和储存约200万吨二氧化碳. This amount is equivalent to the annual emissions of nearly 450,000辆汽油动力汽车, 根据 美国皇冠HGA010官方下载部.

该项目将有助于降低涡轮机和辅助锅炉的排放强度,该公司的896兆瓦设施- Baytown皇冠HGA010官方下载中心的设计捕集率为95%, 为科思创化学品制造工厂提供蒸汽和电力,并为德克萨斯州电网供电.

美国皇冠HGA010官方下载部表示,一旦捕获, the carbon dioxide will be transported and sequestered in saline storage sites on the Gulf Coast. The project might also utilize greywater to minimize freshwater consumption. 

Hga010皇冠软件下载非常高兴和荣幸皇冠HGA010官方下载部认可了这个项目的质量和Calpine公司CCS项目的实力,希尔说, Calpine公司的首席执行官 Hga010皇冠软件下载. “Carbon capture is an important technology for decarbonizing the electricity sector and the economy.”

The Baytown project is part of the 美国皇冠HGA010官方下载部’s Carbon Capture Demonstration Projects Program, 加快部署碳管理技术和创造制造业就业机会,以支持清洁皇冠HGA010官方下载部门. The project aims to boost these efforts, expecting to create 22-26 permanent jobs and 1,500,000小时的建筑工作, 根据美国皇冠HGA010官方下载部. 

This project follows the recent announcement of the 美国皇冠HGA010官方下载部选择休斯顿 as the site of one of the seven regional clean hydrogen hubs in the nation. 

“Cogeneration facilities like Baytown provide firm, 可分派, non-duration-limited electric and steam supply to reliably power the electric grid and industry. Facilities like Baytown will be part of our energy infrastructure for the foreseeable future, 现在有了CCS技术, Hga010皇冠软件下载可以使它们脱碳. 卡尔平要感谢皇冠HGA010官方下载部以及Hga010皇冠软件下载的州和地方官员以及社区合作伙伴的持续支持,凯莱布·斯蒂芬森说, Calpine EVP Commercial Operations.

了解更多关于 Houston’s role in the energy transition



Houston Attracts 公司reasing Number of Carbon Capture Projects

A recent wave of decarbonization project announcements, including the expansion of a 挪威 company into Houston, 展示了该地区如何将自己定位为推动低碳解决方案的公司和合作中心.  Capsol Technologies ASA, a 挪威 carbon capture and storage company focused on capturing carbon from gas turbines, has announced the opening of an 休斯敦办事处. 该公司首席执行官温迪·林(Wendy Lam)对《Hga010皇冠软件下载》表示,休斯顿与挪威的关系牢固, the region’s infrastructure and access to talent were key factors in their decision to move to Houston. 林郑月娥还提到了有利的美中关系.S. policies that are making CCS technology more financially viable than in Europe.  One of the region’s biggest projects is a joint venture involving 雪佛龙公司, Equinor和totalenergy在休斯顿和亚瑟港之间的德克萨斯海湾沿岸进行了Bayou Bend碳捕获和储存项目. Bayou Bend有潜力成为全国最大的工业排放CCS基地之一, with an underground storage capacity of one billion metric tons of carbon dioxide. Worley, an Australia-based engineering firm with its primary U.S. 休斯敦办事处, has been chosen to design and evaluate CO2 gathering, handling and sequestration facilities for the project.  雪佛龙公司, a partner in the region’s HyVelocity Hub, is investigating the potential to integrate its hydrogen efforts with the Bayou Bend CCS project, though no official announcements have been made.  Ørsted and 埃克森美孚, fellow partners in the HyVelocity Hub, were recently selected by the U.S. 作为其60亿美元工业示范计划的一部分,皇冠HGA010官方下载部将为他们的脱碳项目获得联邦资金.  A subsidiary of Denmark-based Ørsted, which opened its first Houston office earlier this year, 是否可以获得美国皇冠HGA010官方下载部高达1亿美元的资金,以支持位于德克萨斯州墨西哥湾沿岸的Star电子甲醇工厂的发展, which will use captured CO2 to create up to 300,000 metric tons of e-methanol annually.  与此同时, 埃克森美孚, which relocated its corporate headquarters to the Houston region in 2022, 最高可获331美元.通过其60亿美元的工业示范计划为其贝敦烯烃工厂碳减排项目提供900万美元. It plans to utilize hydrogen rather than natural gas to produce ethylene.  Exxon has become more involved in CCS infrastructure since its acquisition of Denbury 公司. in 2023, which involved major assets including the largest CO2 pipeline network in the U.S. and ten onshore carbon sequestration sites.  与EnLink Midstream LLC的合作使埃克森美孚能够在墨西哥湾沿岸探索更多的CCS机会, including the Houston Ship Channel and the Port Arthur-Beaumont area, which are noted as being high sources for CO2 emissions.  早在2021年,该公司就提议在休斯顿地区开展1000亿美元的碳捕集合作. 埃克森美孚估计,到2030年,拟议中的CCS中心每年可捕获和储存5000万吨二氧化碳,到2040年可捕获和储存1亿吨二氧化碳.  其他主要的皇冠HGA010官方下载公司,如SLB,正在CCS领域采取行动,并希望增加对碳捕获的投资.  3月, SLB announced an agreement to acquire majority ownership of Aker Carbon Capture, 这是一家挪威的纯碳捕集公司,其专有的CCS技术服务于广泛的行业, 包括水泥, 生物和废物转化为皇冠HGA010官方下载, gas-to-power, 蓝色的氢段.  “For CCUS to have the expected impact on supporting global net-zero ambitions, it will need to scale up 100-200 times in less than three decades. Hga010皇冠软件下载很高兴能与阿克碳捕集公司合作,加速碳捕集技术的部署,这将改变高排放工业部门的碳捕集经济,” said SLB CEO Olivier Le Peuch in a Hga010皇冠软件下载.  Learn more about how Houston is leading the energy transition.

Companies Investing in Houston's 皇冠HGA010官方下载 劳动力

As Houston continues to lead the energy transition, 大公司正在进行重大投资,以确保该地区的劳动力具备未来的技能. Key industry players 埃克森美孚 and 贝克特尔 have recently announced initiatives, demonstrating their commitment to preparing and empowering the next generation of energy professionals. 埃克森美孚's Commitment to STEM 教育 The 埃克森美孚 Foundation recently donated $17 million to Khan Academy for the Open Doors Project. 这项计划将允许可汗学院为3至12年级的学生提供免费的德州标准数学和科学课程,并为新课程提供教师指导.  The collaboration with Khan Academy will enhance STEM (Science, 技术, 工程, and Mathematics) learning opportunities, 确保学生具备从事皇冠HGA010官方下载行业及其他行业所需的基础知识和技能.  贝克特尔's 建设 Career Pathways 贝克特尔, 工程领域的全球领导者, 建设, 项目管理, is also making significant strides in workforce development. 该公司最近宣布,将为荷兰高中和亚瑟港纪念高中管道工和焊接职业与技术教育(CTE)课程的15名毕业生提供建筑职业. The students received hands-on experience and training through the program, 使他们能够成功地进入亚瑟港液化天然气(LNG)一期项目现场的职业生涯.  “Hga010皇冠软件下载很高兴为这些学生提供工作,他们已经获得了完成课程所需的经验,并开始成为熟练的工艺专业人员,凯恩·麦金托什说, Port Arthur LNG Project Manager at 贝克特尔. “Sempra Infrastructure and 贝克特尔 are committed to supporting Port Arthur and Southeast Texas, 其中包括培训下一代工人,他们将交付像亚瑟港液化天然气一期这样的大型项目.” 塑造皇冠HGA010官方下载的未来 埃克森美孚(埃克森美孚)和柏克德(贝克特尔)的投资对于确保休斯顿保持全球皇冠HGA010官方下载行业的领先地位至关重要. By focusing on education and career development, 这些公司正在促进皇冠HGA010官方下载领域的创新和可持续增长,同时满足当前和未来的劳动力需求. Learn more about the region's energy industry and workforce development programs.  



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